Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Guest Post: "Rocky Heart" by James Enriquez

In lieu of the normal devo, I wanted to share a poem/song a friend of mine wrote that he feels shares the story of his life. Along those lines, if there are any heavy-metal, hard-rock artists out there who want to try their hand at putting this to music, contact me here at the devo and I will put you in contact with each other. 


Hard as a rock this heart of stone
Filled with hatred, cold as death
Take this life and make it your own
Please grant me this one request

Another chance at life
Overcoming death

I heard the word the news was good
So full of life so full of hope
But persecutions not understood
My Soul’s necktie a tightened rope

Take up your cross! Come follow Me!
And Heaven eternal you’ll get to see.
But the shiny things of this earthly prison
Turned my heart from my Lord who was risen

I had to be in control
MY orders the ones taken

So at Satan’s party I drank and danced
I cursed and envied and filled with pride
My loved one’s hearts a stepping stone
Every sinful thought I dreamt I tried
But silent shadows and broken dreams
And ever growing despair
To the pit of damnation this road leads
With gnashing of teeth and weeping there

I made the wrong choice
Jesus save me here!

My heart was a rocky path
You’re loving words the seeds of life
Please grind my heart to fertile soil
Come save me from this hellish strife

Your words pure wisdom, Dear Son of God
To be your friend with joy I’d weep
No greater love was ever shown
Please count me among your blessed sheep

Greater love has no one than this
That a man lay down his life…..for his friends

Hard as a rock this heart of stone
Filled with hatred, cold as death
Take this life and make it your own
Please grant me this one request
Hard as a rock this heart of stone
Filled with hatred, cold as death
Take this life and make it your own
Please grant me this one request

Live In Me.

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